Scientific program 2022
June 23-26, 2022
Precongress conferences:
- Fundamental round table «Psychotherapy of the main challenges of modern times»
- Fundamental round table «Outcomes and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic»
Round table discussions:
- Fundamental round table «Psychotherapy of the main challenges of modern times»
- Fundamental round table «Outcomes and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic»
- Fundamental round table «Overcoming Russophobia»
- Round table «Neurolinguistic Psychotherapy»
- Round table «Education in psychotherapy»
- Round table «Round dance as a psycho-social practice»
- Round tables within the framework of conferences, symposiums, panel sessions: “Don’t panic” — psychotherapeutic aid to clients with panic attacks, Existential psychotherapy, Psychoorganic analysis, Religiously oriented psychotherapy, Spiritually oriented psychotherapy, Supervision in psychotherapy and counseling
- “Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapy”
- “Integrated Short-Term Therapy For Traumas And Symptoms Of The Individual, Family, Organisation, Group Or Society”
- “Training Therapy”: Psychological Wellbeing In Times Of Uncertainty
- “Psychotherapy Of Pain”
- “Psychotherapy Of Healthy People In The Era Of Change: From Conception To Advanced Years”
- XXIX International Science And Research Conference “The Knowledge System Of Ecology Of Thought by L.P. Troyan In Life Evolution On The Earth”
- “A Human Being Among People: Relational Approach In Gestalt Therapy”
- International conference “Existential Tradition”
- Fourth Joint Scientific And Practical Conference “Psychotherapy And Consolation By Philosophy”
- “Integrated Spiritually-Oriented Approach To Working With Severe Psychosomatic Disorders And Oncology”
- “Integral Neuroprogramming” Version 4.0
- “Intergative Process In Psychotherapy, Practical Psychology And Coaching, Multimodal Psychotherapy”
- “Transgenerational Relations And Civilizational Challenges”
- “Perinatal Psychology, Psychopathology And Psychotherapy In Russia: Aiding Families, Children, Society”
- “Positive Dynamic Psychotherapy”
- “Understanding A Man In The Philosophical-Theological Context Of Religious-Oriented Psychotherapy”
- “Family And Spousal Psychotherapy And Ecology Of Family And Childhood”
- “Supervision In Psychotherapy And Counceling”
- “Transmodal Subject Analysis And Psychotherapy Of Territorial Problems, Events And Sovereignty”
- “Achievements And Perspectives Of Emotional Image Psychotherapy”
Panel sessions:
- “Actual Problems Of Client-Centered Psychotherapy And Counseling, A Person-Centered Approach”
- “Art Psychotherapy: The Path Traveled And The Milestones Of Further Development”
- “Balint Groups As An Effective Tool For The Prevention Of Professional Burnout Of Specialists Helping Professions”
- “Don’t Panic — Psychotherapeutic Aid To Clients With Panic Attacks”
- “Transactional Analysis”
- “Client-Centered Psychotherapy”
- Actual Problems Of Client-Centered Psychotherapy And Counseling, A Person-Centered Approach
- “Clinical Classical Psychotherapy”
- “Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy In Neurological Practice”
- “Mediation: Interdisciplinary Approaches To Conflict Resolution”
- “Neuropsychology”
- “Oncopsychotherapy” / “Oncopsychosomatics-2022”: Holistic Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual Approach To The Treatment And Rehabilitation Of People With An Oncological Disease
- “Positive Psychotherapy”
- “Process-Oriented Psychology And Psychotherapy”
- “Psychoanalysis”
- “Psychocatalysis”
- “Psycho-Organic Analysis”
- “Psychotherapeutic Kinesiology”
- “Psychotherapy And Psychological Counseling For Children And Adolescents”
- “Psychotherapy Of Crisis State”
- “Resource Oriented System Therapy (ROST)”
- “Sexual And Reproductive Health Of Children, Adolescents, Families And Society. Psychotherapy In Sexology And Sexopathology”
- “Symboldrama And Imaginative Body-Oriented Psychotherapy”
- “Systemic-Phenomenological Psychotherapy (Counseling) And Client-Centered Constellations®”
- “Body Psychotherapy & Biosynthesis”
- Rasit Tukaev — Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of psychotherapy; evidence-based approach
- Wang Xuefu — Zhi Mian: a Chinese approach to existential thinking and practice
- Bruce Scott — The world of psychotherapy: the forgetfulness of courage, truth, children and of God
- Natalia Spokoinyi — Archimedean lever for short-term integrated therapy of severe trauma