Emilija STOIMENOVA CANEVSKA (North Macedonia)

Prof. Dr. Emilija Stoimenova Canevska is licensed health psychologist and psychotherapist, EAGT — and EAP-certified trainer and supervisor, as well as organizational couch and consultant.
In psychotherapy training from 1989, she wastrained in different modalities: TA, EMDR, Gestalt Therapy, and in subareas as Supervision, Systemic mapping and Constellation work, Organizational Development. Her trainers were K.Evans, P.Barber, J.Zinker, B.Miller, S.Ginger, L. Pecotic, J.McKean, M.Parlett, I.Steward, T.Mandic, G.Kohlreiser, E. Stern, N. Zanko, R.Solomon.
Prof.Dr. Stoimenova is founder of the “Gestalt Institute” Skopje, the first EAGT and EAP accredited psychotherapy training institute in Macedonia, since 2008. From 2014 she is the Dean at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at International Balkan University in Skopje, Macedonia, the main trainer at “Gestalt Institute” Skopje. Being co-founder of “Gestalt in Organizations”, she approached toward improvementof organizational development in Macedonia.
Dr. Stoimenova was President of MAP Image that was NUO from 2005-2008 and National Delegate at EAP, and vise president of MPA from 2008-2016.
Currently, she is the main trainer at “Gestalt Institute” Skopje, as well as guest lecturer at GPTIM, and supervisor in Bulgaria, although she was teaching gestalt and in Croatia, Montenegro, and Kosovo. She has gave numerous workshops, conference presentations, published articles and book in preparation. She is actively involved in the scientific and organizational comities of several international conferences in the field.
Her interest is mainly in supervision, relational gestalt therapy, organizational consultancy and the Whole Intelligence.