International scientific committee

MD, doctor of medical sciences is the President of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League and the National Self-Regulating Organization «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists», President elect of the Asian Federation of Psychotherapy, Vice-President of the World Council for Psychotherapy and Head of the Department of Psychotherapy and Sexology of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education.
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Nicole Aknin is the President of ECPP — French Branch (European Confederation of Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy) She was born in Casablanca (Morocco) on April 23, 1951. Married, mother of two children. ECP (European Certificate for Psychotherapy) holder ECPP (European Certificate for Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy) holder ECPP (European Certificate for Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy) president.
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Dr. Adil Al-Salihy is an Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology & Neuro-Psychotherapy. He is a Founder & President of the Iraqi Association for Psychotherapy (IAP), Baghdad, Iraq, works as an international supervisor of the Master and Doctoral students at Sigmund Freud University, Vienna — Austria, and as a Faculty of Clinical Psychology, Psychological Research Center\ Baghdad, Iraq. Additionally, he is considered as an international well-known Cognitive Neuroscientist, and Biofeedback & Neurofeedback Expert.
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Professor, Ph.D. Professor of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky” and Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarsky”, Bulgaria. Honored Professor of Moscow Social-pedagogical Institute, Russia. Scientific interests — psychology, psychotherapy, pedagogy, therapy through arts, art-pedagogy, art-therapy, theory and technology of counseling, family psychology and family therapy. Author of more than 300 publications of scientific research.
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Vice-president of EAPOA, scientific developer of the POA method, psycho-organic therapist, supervisor, head of the Commission on Educational Institutions (EFAPO), curator and trainer of the POA school, has a private practice (France).
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Paul Boyesen had practiced as a psychotherapist in Paris. He is a founder of Psycoorganic Analysis, the President of Boysen Foundation, served as President of EAPOA; is an Honoured President of APSOS,AAPOA-DGPOA; Director of EFAPO in Paris (a private institution of free higher education, Paris Academy). Paul has a great experience in psychoanalysis (Jungian and Lang schools).
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Dr. Pierre Canouï is the President of the VII World Congress for Psychotherapy, 2017, Paris, France. He is a psychiatrist and Child Psychiatrist, clinical psychopractitioner, Doctor of Ethics at Paris Descartes university, Honorary President of the FF2P, President of the Association of Motivational Psychology, Professor of the University Diploma of Psychotherapy and Developmental Psychopathology (University Paris Descartes).
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Dr., Board Member and Fellow of the World Council for Psychotherapy. President and Fellow of the Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy ( President of the Malaysian Employees Assistance Professionals Association ( Principal Consultant Psychologist of the International Psychology Centre (; ).
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Doctor of Medicine, M.D.(Hab.), Professor, Head of the General and Clinical Psychology Department at the Belarusian State University, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, sexologist. Vice-President of the National Independent Organization «Union of Psychotherapists and Psychologists». Full member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL Russia), head of the «Eriksonian Psychotherapy and Erikson Hypnosis» modality.
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Coordinates a number of issues in the field of international cooperation of the congress. Semyon Borisovich Yesselson is an existential therapist, board member of the Federation for Existential Therapy in Europe (FETE), head of Existential therapy modality at the National Umbrella Organization of Russia (OPPL), president of the interregional non-governmental organization “National Association of Existential Counselors and Therapists”, board chairman of the International Institute for Existential Counseling (MIEK)...
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MS. Olessia Gorkovenko is a Ph. D. candidate, M.Ed specialising in Multiple Intelligence (primary in SQ, EQ), Nutrition, Sports Training and Psychology, Various Psychology approaches, Sports Teaching, Coaching. She is an Education Specialist, based in Johannesburg, South Africa.
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Invited guest) — linguist, psychotherapist, psycho-organic analyst, clinical psychologist (research master's in clinical, psychopathological, intercultural and psychoanalytic psychology), supervisor, analyzes professional practices in psycho-medico-social sector, member of the Psycho-organic Analysis Association (AAPO), the French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (FF2P)...
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Professor Dr. Sergey Igumnov is currently the Member of Council of the Aii-Russia Professional Psychotherapeutic League (since 2014), as well as the Past President and Member of the Presidium of the Board of Belarusian Association of Psychotherapists (since 2003); International Member of the American Psychiatric Association (since 2014); Professor of Clinical Psychology Departmentat the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M.Tank, BSPU (2013-Present).
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Minsk, Belarus. Provost for development of International academy integral psychotherapy and training, psychologist, coach, body-oriented therapist, art-therapist, member of the East European Arts Therapy Association, health care expert, leading organizer of the international psychological expeditions.
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Consultant for scientific areas of the congress. Organizer of the key events of the Precongress. Professor Alexander L. Katkov, MD, is the rector of the International Institute for Social Psychotherapy (Saint-Petersburg). In 1998, he was awarded an MD in both Psychiatry and Social Hygiene and Public Health. Since 2003, Professor Katkov has been acting as an official consultant and UNODC expert on drug issues (epidemiology, prevention, therapy, and rehabilitation) in Central Asia.
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Dr. Ivan Kirillov, MD, PhDD, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, international trainer and supervisor for PPT, corporate trainer and executive coach, member of Executive Board of Directors of WAPP, member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Psychotherapy, author of 4 books and more then 30 articles, inventor and owner of Stress Surfing™.
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Prof. Dr. Zelda G Knight (Ph.D) is the Vice President for the WCP (African Chapter). Zelda Knight is a graduate of Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, where she obtained my undergraduate and post-graduate degrees in Psychology, including a PhD degree in 1998. She is a Professor of Psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
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Candidate of psychological sciences (Ph.D. in psychology), European certificate for psychotherapy holder, rector of the Eurasian Institute of Psychology and Psychotherapy, director of «Coaching Centre Universal» (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan), certified personal psychotherapist-advisor (PPL Russia), certified multimodal supervisor and psychotherapist of international level (PPL Russia), certified supervisor and trainer of international level EIPPP.
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Kulikova Lyudmila Genrikhovna (Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan) — director of the Eurasian Institute of practical psychology and psychotherapy. Coach of the Eurasian Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychotherapy. Full member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League. Accredited Supervisor of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League. Supervisor for the Association of Supervisors and Consultants.
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Professor Judy Kuriansky, Ph.D. is a noted international psychologist on the faculty at Columbia University Teachers College. At the United Nations, she is the Main Representative for the World Council for Psychotherapy (WCP) and the International Association of Applied Psychology, and past President of the Psychology Coalition of NGOs.
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Aleksandar Marcikik, MD, psychiatrist, is a psychodrama therapist and one of the educators of the Psychodrama Association, “J. L. Moreno” (, President, member and one of the founders of the Macedonian Psychotherapy Association (MPA), a member of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) and a member of the European Federation of Psychodrama (FEPTO).
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Mirjana Milankov — Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of APM and EEC, Director of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. Serbia, Novi Sad.
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Snežana D. Milenković, Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Psychotherapy at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, University of Novi Sad, received her MA in psychology (1981) and doctorate in medicine in (1992) from Belgrade University.
She has devoted her professional career to the teaching, practice, and study of psychotherapy.
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D.Sc. in Psychology, Ph.d., Professor at the Georgian National University, conducts courses in Psychotherapy and Counseling. Practical psychologist, supervised over 30 projects on the problems of psychosocial rehabilitation of the refuges and IDPs from conflict zones and military encounters. Participated in numerous conflict resolution and peace building projects and meetings.
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Psychoanalyst in private practice, Edinburgh. PhD in Psychology: He is a member and Former Trustee and former member of the Council of Management of the Philadelphia Association founded by R.D. Laing and others in 1965. He is a member of the College of Psychoanalysts-UK (CP-UK) Registered Member Psychoanalyst and former member of the board of governors of the College of Psychoanalysts-UK.
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Director of IIS Berlin — International Institute of System Constellations, full member of and international level instructor at PPL, WCP and EAP registered certified psychotherapist, INFOSYON and DGfS master trainer, systemic sex therapist, master theologician A.Men Uni, mathematician. Germany, Berlin.
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Prof. Dr. Emilija Stoimenova Canevska is licensed health psychologist and psychotherapist, EAGT — and EAP-certified trainer and supervisor, as well as organizational couch and consultant. In psychotherapy training from 1989, she wastrained in different modalities: TA, EMDR, Gestalt Therapy, and in subareas as Supervision, Systemic mapping and Constellation work, Organizational Development.
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