First Intercontinental Extraterritorial Congress
First Intercontinental Extraterritorial Congress
«Planet of Psychotherapy»
Children. Family. Society. Future.
2022 21-26

Board meetings of the European Association for Psychotherapy in Vienna

On February 21-23, 2019, the meeting of the Board of the European Association for Psychotherapy was held in Vienna, Austria. On behalf of the Russian Federation, Sofiya Kamalova, a national representative in the EAP from Russia, participated in the meeting. Sofiya Kamalova distributed information about the congress among the members of the Board and delegates from European countries, handed out congress flyers and invited those present at the meetings to participate in the International conference in memory of Professor Rodolfo de Bernart organized within the framework IX World Congress for Psychotherapy 2020. We are pleased with the interest of our European colleagues towards the World Congress!

During the meetings elections of the EAP President and the Incoming EAP Vice-President/President Elect were held. We are glad to announce that in the result of the voting done by the Board members, Charles Cassar (Malta) is elected as EAP President and Patricia Hunt (United Kingdom) is elected as Incoming EAP Vice-President/President Elect.

Also during the board meetings, the Grandparenting commission of the EAP awarded the European Certificates for Psychotherapy to three colleagues from Russia. Congratulations to Raisa Aksenfeld, Inna Zezyulinskaya and Marina Kolyayeva with another professional achievement!

Publication date: 18 March 2019
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